
III-IV sec. d.C.

QUINTO DI SMIRNE, Posthomerica, I, 293-306

Testo tratto da: Quintus Smyrnaeus, The fall of Troy, with an English translation by Arthur S. Way, Harvard University press, Cambridge (Mass.) 1913, pp. 25-27

(...) for these

spread was the bed of love beside the foot

of Sipylus the Mountain, where the Gods

made Niobe a stony rock, wherefrom

tears ever stream: high up, the rugged crag

bows as one weeping, weeping: waterfalls

cry from far-echoing Hermus, wailing moan

of sympathy: the sky-encountering crests

of Sipylus, where always floats a mist

hated of shepherds, echo back the cry.

Weird marvel seems that rock of Niobe

to men that pass with feet fear-goaded: there

they see the likeness of a woman bowed,

in depths of anguish sobbing, and her tears

drop, as she mourns grief-stricken, endlessy.

Yea, thou wouldst say that verily so it was,

viewing it from afar; but when hard by

thou standest, all the illusion vanishes;

and lo, a steep-browed rock, a fragment rent

from Sipylus – yet Niobe is there,

dreeing her weird, the debt of wrath divine,

a broken heart in guise og shattered stone.