VIII sec. a. C.
ESIODO, Ehoiai o Catalogo delle donne,Fragm. 24
1 [Στησίχορ]ος Ακταιωνι καί
2 [Αλκμά]ν καί καθάπερ
3 Εν Ηοία[ις] ετ
A testimoniare la presenza del mito di Atteone nell’opera di Esiodo abbiamo un frammento di Acusilao, logografo che mise in prosa il Catalogo delle donne, pubblicato da Renner T. (A Papyrus Dictionary of Metamorphoses, in “Harvard Studies in Classical Philology”, 82, 1978, pp.282-287).
Renner traduce come segue la sua ricostruzione del frammento:
“Actaeon, the son of Aristaeus and Autonoe, desiring marriage with Semele, (...) his mother’s father, (...) he was transformed to the appearance of a stag through the design of Artemis and was torn apart by his own dogs, as Hesiod says in the Catalogue of Women”.