
Sec. III a.C.

Eratostene, Catasterismi, frag. 1.2

“The Great Bear (Arktos Megale) – Hesiod says she [Kallisto] was the daughter of Lykaon and lived in Arkadia. She chose to occupy herself with wild-beasts in the mountains together with Artemis, and, when she was seduced by Zeus, continued some time undetected by the goddess, but afterwards, when she was already with child, was seen by her bathing and so discovered. Upon this, the goddess was enraged and changed her into a beast. Thus she became a bear and gave birth to a son called Arkas. But while she was in the mountain, she was hunted by some goat-herds and given up with her babe to Lykaon. Some while after, she thought fit to go into the forbidden precinct of Zeus, not knowing the law, and being pursued by her own son and the Arkadians, was about to be killed because of the said law; but Zeus delivered her because of her connection with him and put her among the saars, giving her the name Arktos (Bear) because of the misfortune which had befallen her.”

“Of Bootes also called the Bear-Warden (Arktophulakos). The story goes that he is Arkas the son of Kallisto and Zeus, and he lived in the country about Lykaion. After Zeus had seduced Kallisto, Lykaon, pretending not to know of the matter, entertained Zeus, as Hesiod says, and set before him on the table the babe which he had cut up.” –Hesiod The Astronomy Frag 3 (from Commentary Supplementary on Aratus 547)